Medici tour: history of a dinasty

The family which reigned over Florence for more than three centuries deserves to be better known. This tour is dedicated to the second branch of the family, that started with Cosimo I. Cosimo, the grandson of Lorenzo the Magnificent, was the first member of the Medici family to rule with a title and was the one that decide not to live in his family palazzo, Palazzo Medici, and went to live in Palazzo Vecchio. Our tour will start by visiting the spectacular Palazzo Vecchio, where Cosimo I lived with his wife Eleonora di Toledo. The tour will continue and end with a visit to the Pitti Palace, where Cosimo I lived the last years of his life. Under his rule, the Medici family went from being “just” a simple, powerful and rich member of the Florentine society to becoming the official rulers of Florence and of the whole of Tuscany. This tour can also include the entrance to Boboli garden.

  • Where we will be: Old Palace, Pitti Palace, Boboli garden
  • What we will visit: Old Palace, Palatine Gallery, Boboli garden
  • Duration of the tour: approximately 4 hours
  • Dress code: no dress code. I suggest to wear comfortable shoes. 
  • Tour not available on Monday.

Old Palace